Contains 101

Contains 101

Our last DFA example looks for a pattern. This is a simplification of something like DNA pattern analysis. We would have a huge string of letters representing the DNA and pattern we need to find. Again, a DFA might be able to solve our pattern.

The pattern we will look for is 101. We want to find a 101 someone in a file of ones and zeros. We need 4 states.

  • q0 we have not seen any of the pattern

  • q1 we only have a one.

  • q2 we have seen 10 must missing final 1.

  • q3 we have seen entire pattern 101.

We have 4 states and 2 symbols. This means we must have \(4 * 2=8\) states. Every state must have a symbol for every transition.

The DFA below covers this pattern. Study the transitions to figure out why they make sense.

DFA Contains 101

The source code for the DFA is given below.

#This DFA Accepts the Language
#L={ contains 101 with sigma={0,1} }

#Define DFA Properties

#Define Transition Table
if q0 and 0 then q0
if q0 and 1 then q1

if q1 and 0 then q2
if q1 and 1 then q1

if q2 and 0 then q0
if q2 and 1 then q3

if q3 and 0 then q3
if q3 and 1 then q3